Windows 7 bluetooth peripheral device driver missing
Windows 7 bluetooth peripheral device driver missing

After the driver has been updated, we suggest that you try to connect your mobile device to your PC again to see if the error is gone. It will also download and install the driver for you. Now, the Device Manager will search for the relevant driver automatically. From the available choices, select the ‘Search automatically for updated drivers’ option.Right-click one of the drivers, then select Update Driver.Select Show Hidden Devices from the options. Now, you need to update all of the Bluetooth Peripheral Device drivers, even if any of them do not have a yellow exclamation mark.Īlso, if you cannot see the list of Bluetooth Peripheral Device drivers under Other Devices, you can go to the menu bar, then click View. Note: If there is a yellow exclamation mark beside the device driver, it means that it is either damaged, corrupted, outdated, or missing. Click Other Devices to expand its contents.When the Device Manager pops up, you will see a list of device drivers.Once the Run dialog box is up, type “devmgmt.msc” (no quotes), then hit Enter.On your keyboard, press Windows Key+R to launch the Run dialog box.

#Windows 7 bluetooth peripheral device driver missing how to

This method will teach you how to automate the process, using the utility. In the first solution, we will show you how to do this via the Device Manager. If you want to know how to fix the “Bluetooth peripheral device driver not found” error on Windows 10, you should learn various ways to update your drivers.

Windows 7 bluetooth peripheral device driver missing