I get a ton of messages such as CL169 :"C:\lscc\iCEcube2.2017.08\synpbase\lib\vhd\std.vhd":1:1:1:2|Pruning unused register received_message_31(7 downto 0).
That's great ! However just after it seems to remove some redundancy. There's a mechanism normally preventing reading and writing from the same buffer at the same time. The idea is that one process recieves messages, while the other sends replies. They are then accessed in two separate process, one process writes to buffer A and reads from buffer B, and the other process does the oposite. The type of the buffers is as follow : type MESSAGE_T is array(0 to 31) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
I have a design on an iCE40 FPGA, I use iCEcube2 to compile the VHDL code and in my design I try to infer two small RAM buffers.